1 min readAug 11, 2021

The general public is hereby notified that Egoras is migrating from Ethereum Blockchain to Binance Smart Chain. This is partly due to the high gas fees associated with transacting in the Ethereum Blockchain and other sundry issues.

As a result of this token swap or migration, Egoras will be reducing its total supply at the ratio of 1:1000, that is, from 100,000,000,000 (One Hundred Billion) Egoras token to 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) Egoras token. The token swap have been completed and all EGR holders should import their wallet to metamask and change the network to bsc network.

The implication is that Egoras token on ethereum network will no longer be traded on all exchanges and will consequently be delisted from the Exchange. In the interim, only Egoras token on binance smart chain can be traded on exchanges. ERC20 Egoras holders can sell the bep20 equivalent on pancakeswap,MXC,Bilaxy and Bitmart.

About Egoras

Egoras microfinance protocol provides uncollateralised micro-credit to small entrepreneurs and enterprises who cannot take shelter of banks for banking and other services.

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