Egoras Sales Pro Platform is Live

3 min readNov 6, 2023


We are thrilled to unveil the launch of our Egoras Sales Pro platform, a dedicated portal designed to empower our distributors and agents to streamline their purchasing processes and reap commissions directly from product sales and successful referrals of order distributors to the platform.

Why Egoras Sales pro

Securing a dealership license can be a complex and expensive undertaking, often requiring substantial financial investments and involving intricate contractual agreements. Egoras Technologies Limited, a leading product distributor with a proven track record of successfully delivering over 100,000 products, has revolutionised this intricate process through the groundbreaking Egoras Sales Pro platform.

The features of the Egoras Sales Pro platform are listed below:

1. Customer Leaderboard

The application empowers users with a dynamic leaderboard and a comprehensive dashboard, serving as a centralized hub for real-time insights into critical performance metrics. This invaluable tool unveils a wealth of information, including the number of referrals made, the total value of purchases generated through those referrals, sales earnings, subscription earnings, and revenue lost due to inactive subscriptions. By providing users with this comprehensive data, the application enables them to make informed decisions, optimize their strategies, and maximize their referral-driven revenue streams.

2. Referral Sales Commission Structure

Our referral program offers attractive rewards for successful product sales. The commission structure is tiered, as follows:

  • Products under 500,000 Naira: 10% commission
  • Products priced between 500,000 and 1,000,000 Naira: 5% commission
  • Products above 1,000,000 Naira: 5% commission

3. Amplify Your Earnings with Our Referral Cashback

Our referral program offers a compelling opportunity to boost your earnings through customer referrals. By sharing your unique sales code, you can earn up to 10% commission on product purchases made by referred customers. Additionally, you’ll receive a generous 25% cashback on subscriptions initiated by your referrals.

As you expand your referral network and successfully introduce more customers to our products, your earnings have the potential to grow exponentially. Join our referral program today and start reaping the rewards of sharing our exceptional products with others.

How it works

Embark on a journey towards financial empowerment and sustainability with our sales program.

a. Subscription Fee

To gain access to an extensive range of opportunities and advantages, members are invited to subscribe to our monthly plan. The subscription fee is tailored to the chosen plan duration, ensuring flexibility and affordability.

b. Currency Swap

Convert your Naira to USD at a fixed subscription price, aligning with the current market rate of NGN/USD. This prepares you for the transformation.

c. Sales Code

Upon successful payment, you will receive your unique sales code. This code is your gateway to unlocking a world of opportunities. It’s crucial when onboarding prospective customers or referrals; ensure you enter it in the designated “sales code” field during signup.

For any questions, please feel free to reach out to us on:


